Apr 18, 2024

CMHLS-Creative Strategies: Fostering Engagement for Children, Families and Youth in Mental Health Treatment

Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network's 

Children's Mental Health Lecture Series:

Creative Strategies Fostering Engagement for Children, Families


Youth in Mental Health Treatment


With:Colleen Reveley, LMSW

Stacey Vatter, LPC,CAADC

Jennifer Korenchuk, PhD, LPC


Date: April 18, 2024

Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Location: Zoom Webinar



Course Objectives:

1. Attendees will develop an understanding of culturally responsive practices in mental health treatment to effectively engage children, youth, and families from diverse backgrounds.

2. Attendees will explore innovative and creative strategies for building rapport and fostering consistent engagement with children, youth, and families within the context of mental health services.

3. Attendees will learn practical and evidenced-based techniques and interventions to adapt therapeutic approaches to meet the unique needs of children, youth, and families, enhancing their participation and investment in the treatment process, and addressing barriers to engagement.1. Introduction (10 minutes) Welcome and overview of the course objectives Attendance Taking Brief introduction of participants and their backgrounds.

Timed Agenda:

1. Introduction (10 minutes):

Welcome and overview of the course objectives Attendance Taking Brief introduction of participants    and their backgrounds.  

2. Understanding Cultural Responsiveness in Mental Health Treatment (20 minutes): 

Defining cultural responsiveness and its importance in therapy Exploring cultural factors that influence engagement with children, youth, and families in treatment.

3. Culturally Responsive Strategies for Engagement (30 minutes):

Discussing innovative and creative techniques for building rapport and fostering engagement Examples illustrating culturally responsive and creative tools in practices in action  

4. Implementing Creative and Evidenced Based Strategies in Practice for Increased Engagement (35 minutes):

Examining practical techniques for tailoring therapeutic interventions to meet the needs and preferences of diverse clients Explore evidenced-based strategies for increased consistency in engagement.  

5. Addressing Barriers to Engagement (15 minutes):

Discussing challenges and opportunities in implementing creative strategies in real-world therapy sessions Explore barriers for clinician and family engagement in treatment. 

6. Conclusion and Q&A (10 minutes):

Summarizing key takeaways and course highlights Addressing any remaining questions or concerns from participants Providing resources for further learning and development in engagement therapy techniques Expressing gratitude to participants for their engagement and participation Encouraging ongoing reflection and application of learned strategies in their clinical practice.



Registration / Walk-In Policy

Registration is required. Walk-ins WILL NOT be permitted. Register to ensure your attendance.

Photo Consent

By joining us at this event, attendees consent to Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network's Detroit Wayne Connect photographing, videotaping and using your image and likeness.

Continuing Education

  • SOCIAL WORKERS: (2) Continuing Education Credits are approved for this training.
  • CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS (CMHP): (2) These event hours meet the MDCH training requirement for CMHP staff.
  • TRAINING HOURS: (2) This event will count toward the annual training hours required by most provider agencies.

Registration is closed